Know Your Pest & Control

Integrated Disinfection Treatment
Integrated Disinfection Treatment
Wood Borer Management Services
Wood Borer Management Services
Weed Management Service
Weed Management Service
Bed Bug Management Services
Bed Bug Management Services
Mosquito Management Services
Mosquito Management Services
Termite Management Services
Termite Management Services
Rodent Management Services
Rodent Management Services

Cockroach Control
Mosquitoes Control
Lizard Control
Spider Control
Silverfish Control
Ants Control
Cockroach Control

How Many Species of Cockroaches Are There?

Worldwide there are about 3,500 species of cockroaches. The United States alone is home to more than 50 different varieties. Of those species, there are about four kind of cockroaches that are considered pests.

German Cockroach

German Cockroach actually comes from Asia. In fact. it is related to the Asian Cockroach.

American Cockroach

American Cockroach is also called a Palmetto Bug or Water Bug;. Although it is called the American Cockroach, this species originated in Africa.

Oriental Cockroach

Also known Waterbug, the Oriental Cockroach is a large species. It measures about one inch long. Its body coloring varies from brown to black. 

Asian Cockroach

Almost identical to the German Cockroach,the Asian Cockroach measures about two thirds of an inch long, with color ranging from tan to brown. The Asian Cockroach has longer wings then the German Cockroach in fly, and it is attracted to light.

Mosquitoes Control

Mosquitoes are those pesky insects that give you red, itchy bites and they can also spread many Diseases. Here you will find some basic information on mosquitoes, some of the diseases that they spread, the different species of mosquitoes, and what you can do to prevent them from coming after you.

A mosquito gose Through four stages of development, they are : Egg. Larva, Pupa. and Adult. The eggs are usually laid individually on clusters on the surfaces of water. A mosquito spends its larva and pupil stages in water, Unlike the other stages. the adult mosquito spends its time on land. Only female mosquitoes bite, male mosquitoes feed an plant nectar. A female mosquito can lay up to 250 eggs at one time, It usually takes 7 -10 days for the whole cycle to start and end.

A mosquito weighs about 2-2.5 milligrams. It can drink about 5 millionths of a liter of blood. And it can fly about 1-1.5 miles per hour. There are about 2,500 diferent species of mosquitoes in the world.

There are many diseases that mosquitoes spread throughout the world. They spread West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever, Malaria, Dog heartworm, Yellow Fever, Viral Encephalitis and etc. One disease that mosquites cannot transmit though is AIDS.

A mosquito can smell you 20-30 meters away. Good thing are many ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. There are repellants such as ‘Off, bug zappers and etc. Unfortunately, there about 50 species of mosquito that are resistant to mosquito repellants.

So now you know about many diseases, species, repellents and basic information on mosquitoes. I hope you use this information to keep you safe from those pesky things.

Lizard Control

This is a domestic lizard. It eats insects and has became domestic, because you kind find him in most of the houses. It is a nocturnal animal. So during the d you won’t find it Is kind of small. like 10 cm. The firs time I saw one I got scare, but they do no harm to humans.


Lizard diets vary. Most smaller types are insectivores. They eat insects and spiders. Some of larger lizards like the Gila Monster.They eat small animals including other lizards. Most lizards find their, food visually through movement. Whiptails may use their sense of smell to find small animals under the sailllizards have a small raw of teeth on their upper and lower jaws. They also have teeth an th roof of their mouth. Food is crushed in their jaws, then swallowed with little chewing .


Lizards live in deserts, but others live in temperate forests. rainforests, prairies, marshes and streams. However most lizards live on the ground or in trees. lizards are the easiest reptile to watch because they are common. They are most active in the warm, daylight summer hours. They usually feed when temperatures raise above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Some lizards hide in burrows or underneath rocks. Most lizards hibernate through the winter, but may come nut on warm days to feed.


Most lizards place their eggs in a nest. Other lizards do not lay their eggs. but give birth after hatching their eggs inside the body. Still other lizard species give birth to live young.


Most lizards have dry, scaly skin. four legs, clawed feet. external ear openings, a long tail.

Spider Control


Spiders have eight legs, 4 pairs. Most spiders have 6-8 simple eyes in various arrangements. All spiders have a pair of jaw-like structures, the chelicerac, each of which ands in a hollow fang through which venom can be injected. It has 2 body regions : a cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) and an abdomen, which are joined by narrow waist.


Some like damp place such as basements. CrawlSpaces & other damp parts of building. Others like dry warm areas such as subfloarair vents, uper corners of rooms & attics. They will hide in dark areas.


Spiders are predators & feed on living prey, mostly other insets. They produce a venom that is poisonous to their normal prey of insects, mites and other anthropoids.


Spiders produce egg sace which are laid either in a web, attached to a surface or carried within the female. Spiders may produce several egg sacs, containing several hundred eggs. A spider grow by molting, or shedding its skin, usully 4 – 12 times before reaching maturity.

Spider Bites

Only 2 species of spiders that are dangerous to humans, the brawn recluse spider B the black widow.

Silverfish Control


Silverfish grow to be 1/2 – 1 inch long. Their coloring is brown or silver gray. It wingless, soft insects with a fish like appearance and a flat body. which is tapered at both and covred by overlapping scales. It’s abdomen has 3 filaments extending from it. They are not often seen by people because they are nacturanal and can run very quickly.


Silverfish prefer damp, dark, places such as basements, laundry rooms, & under sinks. It also found in bookcases, closet shelves, behind baseduards,window or door frames, wall voids and sub-floor areas.


Silverfish diets are high in protein, sugar, molds and starch. They feed on cereals, moist wheat flour, starch in book binding, paper on which there is glue or paste, gum, cotton, linen, rayon and silk.


Adult silverfish may lay eggs containing a few to 50 in cracks ar crevices. A female lays less then 100 eggs in her 2-8 years lifespan. In ideal conditions, eggs hatch within 2 weeks. It go through a 3 stage life cycle. The life cycle from egg to adult is 3 months, but their sexual maturity is measured in years.

Signs of a SilyrfIsh Infestation

Their cast off skins from molting are visible. Holes in wallpaper, books and fabric. They may leave a yellowish stain on fabric.

Ants Control


Acrobat Ants, Fire Antslittle Black Ants,Oderous House Ants, Moisture Ants, Thief Ants, Pavement Ants,Phareoh Ants.


Up to 5/8-inch long.


Varies from black, brawn & black, red & black, to light brown depending on the species.


Carpentar Ants feed on a wide variety of foods, especially other insects. In the spring, mature colonies produce winged resproductive ants, called ‘swarmers’. thst fly out to start new colonies. These swarms often occur from satellite within homes, so a homeowner may see large flying ants in their home at night.


Ants are the most common pest, ant seen in homes throught the United States. The main colony must have a constant source of maisture ti survive. The main colony mat establish satellite colonies that are the primary source of ant activity inside homes. These satellite colonies set up trunk trails between the main colony and between satellite colonies. Carpentar ants can most easily be seen along these trunk trails at night when the ants are most active.